Recommended Reads & More!

(Not limited to the KJV though it is my preferred Bible. Please do research and make sure it a Bible that does not omit any verses or drastically change from the original transcripts in Hebrew and Greek. Other Bibles I would recommend for easier reading is NKJV, LSB, and NASB.)

Recommended Pastors/Teachers:

Leonard Ravenhill

Paul Washer

Voddie Baucham

R.C. Sproul

Charles H. Spurgeon

A.W. Tozer

David Wilkerson

Larry Montgomery Murrell Jr.

Elisabeth Elliot

Debi Pearl

Douglas Wilson

Recommended Podcasts:

Fruitful and Fearless (Spotify)

Looking Unto Jesus (Spotify)

Bright Hearth (Spotify)

Worship Music I Enjoy:

And if you enjoy Christian rap, here are artists that I have heard that carry anointing (yes, God can use rap to reach others also and it is beautiful):

Bryann Trejo

Children’s Worship Playlist:

Biblical Children’s Movies/Shows:

Pilgrim’s Progress


Modest Clothing:

Salt & Honey (

Dainty Jewells (

Garlands of Grace (